Multiply 'til You Die

You are able to view the site here: MTYD As part of Northcoders, we progressed to the generation of group projects, which allowed us to showcase our skills in team working, project planning, and version control as part of a larger team. In my case, I was part of a team of four that decided to create a clone of John Conway’s Game of Life, which we called Multiply Till You Die....

March 1, 2023

News Site

News Site You are able to view the site here: news site Backend repo: Frontend repo: As previously mentioned, one of the projects we tackled at Northcoders was the design and implementation of a news website’s backend and frontend. Although I enjoyed working on the project, learning something new while implementing it can often lead to confusion and stress, resulting in mistakes and imperfections. Looking back on these issues can make us feel bad and even cause procrastination....

March 1, 2023